Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Directed Networks

Today we started class with Mental Math, and went over a question that was for homework yesterday. Also, there was a big conversation on homework being due, and if a person doesn't get their homework done the first day, it can be made up when they have the chance.

With Direct & Indirect networks:
Matrix A^1=direct-1 leg stop
Matrix A^2=indirect-through exactly 1 node
Matrix A^3=indirect-through exactly 2 nodes(2 stops before reaching the destination)
Directed Networks:
If the question asks you for the number of ways each point can get back to itself using no more than "x" relays, you have to make all the matricies you can. The first matrix is direct connections, the second is through one relay, ect until you reach the total numbers of nodes you can go through. Once you have made all the matrices you can, add them together and you will get the total number of node to itself connections through AT MOST "x" relays.

For the remainder of class we are to look at old provincial exams and do some questions from them for practice, and as a study tool for the test on Friday.

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